Smoke Wagon Straight Rye Whiskey 750ml
Smoke Wagon Straight Rye Whiskey 750ml
Smoke Wagon is blended and bottled by Nevada H&C Distilling Co.
They have become known for their bottles which have raised imagery of desert sage, the Nevada state flower, which can be found on the Silver Dollar bottle as well as the amber Smoke Wagon bottles and in the label of the Straight Bourbon.
The Morgan silver dollar (replicated on the bottle’s face) was minted in Carson City, the state capitol. It is the perfect symbol and name for their vodka due to its Nevada significance and the fact that silver dollar vodka is silver filtered.
Smoke Wagon? Does that mean it’s smokey? Smoke Wagon is actually old west slang for the 1873 Colt single action army revolver or “the gun that won the west”. Their logo stamped in wax consists of two crossed Smoke Wagons over the state of Nevada. Below is their motto and a quote from Seneca, bibamus moriendum est. The literal translation is “drink, for we must die” but the meaning is more along the lines of, drink and enjoy today because we won’t be around forever.
Distilled from a traditional rye mash bill consisting of 51% rye and 49% corn. A high percentage of corn adds a nice rich sweetness that balances out the flavor notes of Rye’s big black pepper and cinnamon spice. Creating a flavor profile that starts off creamy, rich with fruit and candy flavor notes that has a big, bold, complex spicy finish that lingers for an eternity.
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